Sunday 14 July 2013

Germany Leading USA By The Nose In Middle East Policy?

With the sensible arrests of Morsi and other leaders of the Islamo-Fascist German asset Muslim Brotherhood, US foreign policy is looking decidely odd in the Middle East.

On Friday, Angela Merkel’s foreign ministry demanded the release of Morsi and his cohorts, with an  “end to all restrictive measures considering Morsi”.

This was shortly followed by US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, saying the US joined Germany in calling for Morsi’s release.

According to Egyptian prosecutors, deposed president and Muslim Brotherhood leaders are accused of espionage, mass incitement and wantonly sabotaging the national economy. Also under investigation is their suspected role, in the attack on the Egyptian border police post near Rafah in August 2012 in which 16 soldiers were killed. The prosecution claims it has incriminating video tapes of conversations in which Muslim Brotherhood leaders discussed the attack with armed groups in Sinai and the Gaza Strip.

This week, Israel and the Egyptian army stepped up co-operation in the Sinai area, to counter the Brotherhood and Jihadi threat together - surely a good sign.

However according to various sources, the Obama administration is signifying its strong disapproval of Israel and Egypt taking matters in their own hands in the last two weeks. Israel was also accused of independent military action against Syria, and the Egyptian army of persecuting the Muslim Brotherhood after deposing President Mohamed Morsi.  (persecuting a Jihadi organisation that wants to use democracy to remove democracy, and make Egypt an Islamist Sharia state, as well as implicated in the systematic rape of hundreds of female protesters in Tahrir as a fear tactic and clear sign of the Brotherhood's views?)

Washington is also allegedly highly displeased with the campaign the Egyptian army launched after the coup, with Israel’s active support, to root out the Islamist terror blighting the Sinai Peninsula.

US warships and marines are now parked off Egypt’s Red sea coast as a deterrent to the generals in Cairo.

For whipping Israeli into line, the administration used another method, i.e., Pentagon leaks naming Israeli air strikes as responsible for the explosions at the Syrian weapons depot outside the port town of Latakia on July 5, which demolished a fresh stock of Russian Yakhont (NATO codenamed SS-N-26) shore-to-ship missiles along with their advanced radar- the US seemingly inviting Syrian-Russian reprisals against Israel.

For teaching the Egyptian generals a lesson, the administration resorted to tangible military steps: two amphibious assault ships carrying 2,600 Marines were moved to the southern Egyptian Red Sea coast.
Gen. James Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, reported Thursday that the huge USS Kearsarge (1,800 Marines) and the USS San Antonio (with 800 Marines) had “moved up into the Red Sea and parked off Egypt,” a couple of nights ago, “because we don’t know what’s going to happen.”

The US has placed additional Marine units at Signonella base in southern Italy and Moron in Spain on the alert with orders to be ready to move at 60 minutes’ notice.
To calm the tension, the US Embassy in Egypt said on its website Saturday: "We deny false claims in the Egyptian press that US naval ships are in the vicinity of the Arabian Peninsula and the Suez Canal to militarily invade Egypt."

The US flotilla appears to have been brought in to warn Egyptian strongman Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and his generals that if they took their 'persecution' of the Muslim Brotherhood too far, American Marines stood ready to step in.

For some time, many have been wondering why on earth NATO members have been supporting Islamists against our old allies, particularly since the breakup of Yugoslavia to Germany's benefit, and absolutely ludicrous since 9/11.

This is also isolating the US from other major power-brokers in the Middle East such as Saudi, UAE, and Kuwait.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates poured $8 billion in a single day into the coffers of Egypt’s army rulers in cash, grants, loans without interest and gifts of gas, a life-saving infusion into its tottering economy. Forking out sums on this scale in a single day – or even month - is beyond the capacity of almost every world power – even the US and Russia - in this age of economic distress.

Tuesday, July 9, just six days after the Egyptian army overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi, a UAE delegation of foreign and energy ministers and national security adviser landed in Cairo. They came carrying the gifts of $1 billion as a grant and $2 billion in long-term credit.

In well-orchestrated moves, Saudi Arabia then stepped forward with a $5 billion package, of which a lump sum of $2 billion was drafted to Egypt’s state bank that day, followed by another $2 billion as a gift of Saudi gas, and a further $1 billion for propping up the sagging Egyptian currency.
The delivery by two Arab governments to a third of financial assistance on this scale and on a single day is unheard of in the Middle East, or, indeed, anwhere else.

Kuwait has pledged another $5 billion - later amended to $4 billion - raising total Gulf Arab bounty to Egypt to the staggering total of $12 billion.
Friendly assistance on this scale tends to diminish the relevance of Washington’s dilemmas over the continuation of its $1.3 billion aid package to Egypt after a military coup, of which $700 million is due this year.

The suggestion that US aid may be used to hasten Egypt’s “swift return to a democratically elected civilian government” loses its force when Saudi Arabia and the UAE have both guaranteed to make up any shortfalls in US aid to Egypt.

US foreign policy of supporting the Brotherhood (which is really German foreign policy), is clearly destroying US influence with the major players - as well as being a stupid idea to support Islamo-Fascism in the first place. This is not going unnoticed in various circles.

Robert Kaplan, Cornell university doctorate and European historian, recently said;

"Since the mid-1990s the United States has intervened militarily in several internal armed conflicts in Europe and the Middle East: bombing Serbs and Serbia in support of Izetbegovic's Moslem Regime in Bosnia in 1995, bombing Serbs and Serbia in support of KLA Moslems of Kosovo in 1999, bombing Libya's Gaddafi regime in support of rebels in 2010. Each intervention was justified to Americans as motivated by humanitarian concerns: to protect Bosnian Moslems from genocidal Serbs, to protect Kosovo Moslems from genocidal Serbs, and to protect Libyans from their murderous dictator Muammar Gaddafi."

"Each of these United States military interventions occurred in an area that had been part of the Ottoman Empire. In each, a secular regime was ultimately replaced by an Islamist one favoring sharia law and the creation of a world-wide Caliphate. The countries that experienced the "Arab Spring" of the 2010s without the help of American military intervention, Tunisia and Egypt, had also been part of the Ottoman Empire, and also ended up with Islamist regimes."

"Just as the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s and the "Arab Spring" of the 2010s considered in historical perspective suggests that Turkey might be attempting to recreate its former empire, consideration of the Turkish Empire in historical perspective suggests the partnership of Germany with Turkey in the project given that, from its creation in 1870, Germany viewed Turkey with its empire as a most valuable client and ally. In the view of the leaders of Germany, Turkey was controllable through a combination of economic intercourse, gifts of educational opportunities, provision of technical expertise and administrative aid, as well as bribes to Turkish officials. Germany saw influence over Turkey as a means of influencing Moslems worldwide for its own interests. Thus as the German scholar Wolfgang Schwanitz has shown, during World War I Germany employed the Turkish Caliphate to promote jihad – riot and rebellion – in areas where Moslem populations were ruled by its enemies Russia, France, Britain and Serbia."

"So far the German policy of keeping hidden its leadership role in the attempt to reconstitute the Ottoman Empire seems to have succeeded.
Each U. S. military action in Europe and the Middle East since 1990, however, with the exception of Iraq, has followed an overt pattern:  The ultimate outcome of each American intervention is the replacement of a secular government with an Islamist regime in an area that had been part of the Ottoman Empire.
Why the government of the United States would actively promote German aims -- the destruction of Yugoslavia (both World Wars I and II saw Germany invade Serbia) and the re-creation of the Ottoman Empire -- is a question that needs to be answered."

That is the question that does indeed need to be answered!

To better grasp why Germany works with radical Islam to destroy Western influence, read Germany - Protector Of Radical Islam

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